ABAC: Your Trusted OEM Partner for Compressed Air Solutions
Providing customized compressed air solutions for OEM partners worldwide.
Understanding OEM Needs
Original equipment manufacturers in various industries often face challenges when it comes to compressed air, as it may not be their primary area of expertise. Flow rates, pressure, and air quality are just a few of the challenges that OEMs may encounter.
Compressed air is a utility used to provide power to an operating cycle within product lines, making it important for equipment manufacturers to select a partner that not only supplies a cost-effective solution but also innovates and ensures all legislative and best practices are adopted. Only such a supplier is capable of providing a competitive advantage in their own field.
OEM Compressed Air Solution Specialists
ABAC is a global leader in manufacturing and servicing air compressors and compressed air equipments. With our partners across the globe, we are situated to both supply and service our OEM customers - wherever they are and in whatever they do. Our focus is not merely to meet the needs of our OEM customers, but to exceed these needs and expectations.
How is ABAC Different?
ABAC sets itself apart from other OEM partners in the compressed air industry by offering a large portfolio of suitable products that match our clients’ requirements. Instead of making the customer fit our products, we tailor our product to suit the customer’s exacting needs. Small footprint, low noise operation, energy efficiency, and ease of service are the standard characteristics of ABAC compressed air solutions. With the engineering excellence provided by our vastly experienced custom design teams, we can meet specifications for the harshest environment and the most extreme running conditions.
OEM Customer Benefits of ABAC Air Compressors
ABAC offers numerous benefits to our customers, including full ownership of the design of the compressed air, optimal price and cost management, a single point of contact, supportive supplier management, better negotiation power, long-term relationships, ease of doing business, and national/global service capabilities. Choose ABAC as your trusted OEM partner for compressed air solutions.